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September 2016
10:00 am — 6:00 pm
@ Scoala Ferdinand I

Feeling Alive – Bucharest

Atelierul va fi in limba engleza cu traducere la nevoie. We are taught from childhood that ‘to feel’ is bad, that we should not express our emotions. They say “Real men don’t cry and angry women are ugly”, so we learn to numb our feelings and to keep our lives numbed as well. To survive in this world we inhibit ourselves. We numb our feelings, we hide and make ourselves small, and then, when it is really too much we…

September 30, 2016 9:00 am — October 6, 2016 4:00 pm
@ Center of Unity Schweibenalp

Secret Giant training

  7-day training to go beyond your conditioning and making clear steps towards the life you are dreaming to live! . In ancient cultures, initiation was a crucial aspect of each individual’s life. The most important one was the rite of passage from childhood to adulthood. A major life journey made of different processes with the aim of growing up, taking responsibility for one’s actions and their consequences and to discover one’s true call, getting ready to serve one’s true destiny. Nowadays…

October 2016
October 29, 2016 2:00 pm — October 30, 2016 5:30 pm
@ Ashtanga Yoga Romania

Introduction to Hatha Yoga – Principles and Practice

Originally from India, the practice of Yoga is a lifestyle that combines health, ethics and spirituality. With a sincere and dedicated practice, it naturally creates the healthy patterns necessary for a happier life. Through a regular and disciplined practice of Asanas, mindful eating, proper breathing, deep relaxation and meditation, Yoga brings more awareness to the body and mind with benefits that are durable and visible throughout life. Hatha Yoga is a well established practice all over the world, from the…

January 2017
January 28, 2017 9:00 am — January 29, 2017 5:00 pm
@ Studioteambox – LxFactory

Open Heart – Celebrating 5 years of João Sem Medo, Lisbon

“We want to bring people together, we want to live in a more sustainable way, we want to be happier.” Filipa Simoes 5 years to be celebrated in a moment of sharing and (re)connection with the Collective Wisdom. Let’s explore the Emotional Intelligence field, step out of the comfort zone and meet the space where the magic happens! In a serious joyful way, this 2-days workshop can be a profound experience of transformation at individual and collective level. Together, we…

February 2017
February 25, 2017 10:00 am — February 26, 2017 6:00 pm
@ Scoala Ferdinand I

The Core, Art and Craft of the Agent of Intentional Transformation – Bucharest

We are honored to bring this 2 days transformational workshop with Eugenio Molini in Romania! Explore the core of your motivation to promote change and transform the context where you live and work. Your Calling and your Vulnerability. Get acquainted with the Art and Craft of GAIT (Guild of Agents for Intentional Transformation) – promoting transformation in organizations and complex social – ecological systems. “Train-in-GAIT” is a series of workshops for you who strive to transform the organization you work…

March 2017
March 18, 2017 9:00 am — March 19, 2017 5:00 pm
@ Alba Iulia

Open Heart – Introduction to Social Tools for Building Community, Alba Iulia

 * Scroll down for English * Cursul va avea loc în limba engleză, cu traducere disponibilă în limba româna dacă este necesară. Aceasta este o oportunitate unică de a te conecta cu înțelepciunea colectivă, de a explora inteligența emoțională, de a face un pas în afara zonei de confort și de a cunoaşte spațiul în care lucruri magice se întâmplă. Organizat cu bucurie şi seriozitate, acest curs de 2 zile poate fi o experiență profundă de transformare la nivel individual…

March 23, 2017 9:00 am — March 26, 2017 6:00 pm
@ Pensiunea Kiraly Vendeghaz

Expand The Box training

*Atelierul va fi in limba engleza cu traducere la nevoie* What is an ETB (Expand The Box) Expand The Box is a safe and astonishing 4-day learning environment for upgrading traditional thinking and behaviors. Without our knowing how, the standard thinking and behavior patterns we adopted from our parents, our culture and our education system severely limit both the quality of our relationships and our ability to respond creatively to the opportunities and challenges of life. Expand The Box installs…

April 2017
All Day
@ Om Shanti Granollers

Empowered Fundraising – Barcelona

** traducción en Espanol más abajo ** Discover the most subversive way to use the current money system for shaping a new healthier human culture. It starts by healing your relationship with money and using fundraising as a Community building tool and a means for deepening intimacy in relationships. BOOKING FEE / ACCOMMODATION / WORKSHOP FEE BOOKING FEE – 55€. (on-refundable in case of cancellation). ACCOMMODATION – 60€ (20€ p/night). Payment on site. WORKSHOP FEE – According the individual balance…

April 22, 2017 9:00 am — April 23, 2017 5:00 pm
@ Cluj-Napoca

Open Heart – Introduction to Social Tools for Building Community, Cluj-Napoca

* Scroll down for English * Cursul va avea loc în limba engleză, cu traducere disponibilă în limba româna dacă este necesară. Aceasta este o oportunitate unică de a te conecta cu înțelepciunea colectivă, de a explora inteligența emoțională, de a face un pas în afara zonei de confort și de a cunoaşte spațiul în care lucruri magice se întâmplă. Organizat cu bucurie şi seriozitate, acest curs de 2 zile poate fi o experiență profundă de transformare la nivel individual…

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